Manifest Your Magic -Healing circle/soundbath/workshop
Greetings! from Create To Be Great Manifestation Store.
We are excited to announce our one of a kind Vision Board Workshop!
Our full day includes:
This is a full day event starting with an amazing intimate healing circle with owner, Cotton.This hour will be dedicated to speaking life & Intentions into our healing journey.
Releasing of unwanted energies and bringing it love & light into our journey.
After our motivational circle we will CREATE.
The next 2/3 hrs are dedicated to the crafting of your own personal Vision Board for 2024!
Supplies will be provided along with light refreshments.
Healers & Readers will be present for 1 on 1 sessions. Additional costs apply.
We will conclude our time with a healing Soundbath Therapy.
We look forward to your energy to refresh & reset for your NEW YEAR.